Pregnancy Fear 5: Horrible Stretch Marks

Posted on 12 August, 2008. Filed under: healthy pregnancy, holistic pregnancy, pregnancy exercise, pregnancy fears, pregnancy nutrition, stretch marks |

Up to 90% of pregnant women develop stretch marks. The vast majority of them never disappear completely. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic losing its’ elasticity. It can come about from rapid weight gain over a short space of time, typically during pregnancy.

So to avoid stretch marks a healthy, modest weight gain of 9-12 kilos (20-25 pounds), combined with a sound pre and post natal exercise program will ensure that you gain the weight slowly and lose it quickly. By putting less stress on your skin, you will greatly reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.

A holistic pregnancy nutrition plan will keep your skin healthy and resistant to developing stretch marks.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

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